Thursday, January 31, 2013

is it Friday yet?

So I love my class but WOW, there is so much to do and I always feel like I'm running behind.  My grade level team and the rest of my school knows that I have a challenging class.  I have some boys who just push my buttons! Any tips on some different strategies I can use?  I have been using Class Dojo to track individual points for my students and they earn reward coupons.  I found these awesome Classroom Reward Coupons by Mel D at Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations.  Check them out my third graders love them!

Anyway teaching is hard! Do I sound like I'm complaining? I'm trying not too...but I know it does sound that way.  So let's focus on the positive ..I have a job! A loving family! A great group of friends! A wonderful staff to work with at school! My health! My upbeat personality! I really do have so much to be thankful for...and I'm thankful for ice cream too ;)

Monday, January 28, 2013


Well today started Monday... I woke up at 2am and didn't really go back to sleep until the alarm blared!  I went to school early to work on report cards and as I flipped on the light I knew something was up...It didn't take long to notice it was freezing.  I teach in wonderful portable land, yes I'm happy to have a job but it can be a pain in the neck! I checked the thermostat and it read a nice and cold 40 degrees! No way the kids could be in there today.  So after a day spent in the computer lab the heat was   fixed in the late afternoon. Thank goodness! However little problems like a broken heater aren't really what's important in life, all in all it was a good day even through the freezing temps.  

How about a freebie? Freebie's make everything better right?!  It's one game and worksheet from my   of my Valentine Math Extravaganza pack, enjoy!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

harder than it looks....

So this blogging thing is tough! I'm not really finding the time to blog apparently ;)  Too much to do with school and life these days!  Well Christmas break was great, a much needed break for sure,  I was definitely ready to back to school and was so happy to see my kids.  Makes we wonder about summer and the next school year... ah I'll forget about that for awhile.

So the second part of this blog title is "Train" which I'm better somedays than others that for sure! I have a half-marathon and sprint tri to train for and I really have to get my butt in gear. I'm been crossfitting which is great but a crossfit gym is like a regular gym, no treadmill, no ellipitical.  i can just go on a random Sunday afternoon and get a run in.  I live in North Idaho so it's winter/rain/snow/grossness/wet/mess November through...(I better not jinx it...).  So I went back to my regular gym with a cheap 2-month pass (Still crossfitting tho!) I ran on the treadmill the other day for the first time since this time last year AND running outside is soooo much better, I was so bored!  but once again the slushy mess kept me inside.  However the gym does have some good rewards too...eye candy! hahaha!

I gotta get more this blog, and my fitness! oh and eating well.  I did post 2 new items to my teachers pay teachers store. Yay, and I've made a few bucks! Here's my new stuff an animal unit and my Valentine Math pack!

Amazing Animal UnitValentine Math Extravaganza
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