Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cyber Monday Linky!

 It's the most wonderful time of the year!!! The Teachers Pay Teachers CYBER MONDAY (and Tuesday) SALE! Use the code tptcyber when you check out to get up to 28% off. 

As an extra bonus I've linked up with some of my fabulous teacher friends to bring you an extra special deal on one of my products...

Wonders of Winter

you can get it here for 50% off that's only $2.00!

Also check out these great discounted deals!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

All I want for BLACK FRIDAY!!!

I'm linking up with the Primary Pack to share what I want for Black Friday! 

I'm obsessed with The Moffat Girls stuff so that's what's on my wish list!
 I can Read No Prep Pack, find it here
Word Work (The Bundle), find it here

Math Strategy Posters, find it here
Matter, Matter Everywhere!, find it here
Christmas Fun with Friends, find it here

Can't believe it's time for Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Christmas!

Monday, October 27, 2014

A gIaNt BiRtHdAy BaSh!

OMG! It's been almost 2 months since I blogged last...EEK! But you know how it is starting school again, it's crazy! I can't believe how fast it's gone already...but all be back later to blog about the happenings in 205 but right now I'd like to take about a little...OK a BIG celebration happening right now!

My friend the Primary Gal is hosting a huge $1 Birthday sale! As I write this there are 108 items on sale for just a buck! WHOLEY MOLEY (it that how you spell that?!)

I picked two of my best sellers and a Fall Math pack!

Look at all these deals! Be sure to check them out!

Don't miss more of our dollar deals in my Birthday Bash!!!  These great deals end on Tuesday, October 28th.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, September 1, 2014

Extreme Makeover: Classroom Edition

Well the time has come... School officially starts on Tuesday! (That's tomorrow, I started this post the other day but I didn't have good pictures so I had to go back to school today!)Oh where did the summer go and why do I still feel like there's so much to do?! I moved classrooms two years in a row...ugh! But I'm very happy with the results of this year's transformation and I think the kiddos I met the other day love it too.

We went from this...

To this!

View from the door

View from the other side
Front of the classroom

 Focus wall, missing a few things that will be put up as we go!

Morning message for tomorrow!


 Gathering area, focus wall and calendar

 Library, student computers and teacher area

Word wall under whiteboard

Student book baskets

Go home chart

Student desks

Classroom jobs display

Lunch count and attendance board (my favorite!)

My desk, not too messy yet ;)

Reading table with baskets for supplies

"Welcome to the first day!"

Outside the classroom

 I hope you have enjoyed my little tour! I'm excited and nervous for tomorrow but I think it's gonna be a great year!

Be sure to check out some other classrooms here...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

How cute is this?!

So the other day I was awake at 3am and decided to work on school stuff rather than just tossing and turning all night long.  I am required (like most of you) to display my "I can" statements somewhere in my classroom. I haven't always been so good about it however.  I have some trouble figuring out exactly how I want them displayed. Last year I wrote them on the board and then later in the year I made a diy version of a whiteboard that I placed at my carpet/morning meeting area.  I wasn't crazy about either of these :(  But this year I decided to re-try posting my objectives on my whiteboard but I knew I had to dress it up a bit so this is what I came up with...
The schedule cards are from Creative Teaching Press, I was unable to find them on their website :( I added my own words to make the cards fit my schedule.

If you're interested in my Objectives Display you can find it here!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week 2014!

I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' for TEACHER WEEK 2014

My name is Erika Smatlan and 
i teach in Post Falls Idaho and live in Coeur d'Alene Idaho (about 7 miles apart). Here's a few things about me:

I'll be back to tomorrow to share some classrooms pics!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Back 2 School! Classroom Decor! {freebie too!}

So what your classroom says about you says a lot about you as a least I think so! I spend A LOT of time setting up and getting my classroom ready. I love making it look inviting/warm/friendly/comfortable I do have a bit going on but I try not to go over the top too much (however many would disagree!)
 I have loved being able to make my own decor, because I can make things exactly as I want.

As you can see from the picture below, I am totally ready for school to start...
He he he okay maybe not so ready! I'll get there though!

I'll be sharing more pics as things get put away and cleaned up. Anyway my classroom decor this year was inspired by an alphabet that I saw and I made my own!
They are pretty cute don't you think?! You can find them here, they are currently on sale for 20% but will be on sale again soon...

This alphabet also inspired a few other projects including homework folder labels.

You can add individual student names! and they are FREE, (Sorry they were free for a short time) you can get them $3 and use them every year!

Be sure to check out the other link ups too!

Next Week: Keys to Success!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Back 2 School! Assessment!

Well it seems ALL I have been talking about lately is ASSESSMENT... since that's what I talked about in my Guided Math post, you can read about it here

This post is still math related but it's more relating to COMMON CORE.  So if your anything like me sometimes reinventing the wheel is not possible and you just need something quick and easy and did a mention free? (ok maybe not quick and maybe not easy, but you know what I mean...) Anywho I came across this website the other day and I just feel it needs to be shared! It has COMMON CORE MATH for each grade level K-6, you just click on your grade level and then on the standard. 

There are activities, levels of rigor and then you can click on assessing that standard! It is soo awesome and will make your life a little easier :)

 Here is where you can find all this fabulous stuff! Howard Country Public Schools It will say grade 1 but you can select any grade level on that home page. I hope this site helps you out :)

Come back next week for...CLASSROOM DECOR!!! 

To check out the other awesome teacher talking about assessment click either picture below to find the linky party.

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