Thursday, January 31, 2013

is it Friday yet?

So I love my class but WOW, there is so much to do and I always feel like I'm running behind.  My grade level team and the rest of my school knows that I have a challenging class.  I have some boys who just push my buttons! Any tips on some different strategies I can use?  I have been using Class Dojo to track individual points for my students and they earn reward coupons.  I found these awesome Classroom Reward Coupons by Mel D at Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations.  Check them out my third graders love them!

Anyway teaching is hard! Do I sound like I'm complaining? I'm trying not too...but I know it does sound that way.  So let's focus on the positive ..I have a job! A loving family! A great group of friends! A wonderful staff to work with at school! My health! My upbeat personality! I really do have so much to be thankful for...and I'm thankful for ice cream too ;)


Sommer's Lion Pride said...

We all know how challenging some students can be. I work at a "challenging" school. The best advice that I received is to get to know those students on a personal level. I start with their interests outside of school. And then take time everyday to talk to them about things they like! Teaching is hard, but also very rewarding!

Sommer Pride

Nikki Sabiston said...

Even after almost 20 years, while many things have gotten easier - teaching is hard! I work in a 'challenging' school, too, and I agree with Kay - find a personal connection. I like to have lunch with a couple of kids at a time, just to talk. Not as a reward, just because.
Good luck with the rest of the year - I hope those boys settle down for you!

Teaching in Progress

Erika said...

Thank ladies! I appreciate your support, that a great idea about lunch and personal connection, I just need to try harder.

Thanks again :)


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