Saturday, May 31, 2014

Guided Math Chapter 1

Math about me! 7/6 (my birthday) 29 (my age) 5 (years it took to get a teaching job!)  23 (students in my class) 7 (number of teachers who teach 1st grade with me at my school) 665 (number of students at my school)

I'm so excited to be apart of a great book study going on this summer...GUIDED MATH! I bought the book last year but never really put in the time to read it until now...always too much stuff going on! I have just 5 days of school left this year. I can't believe the year will be over! I'm looking forward to the summer to make some changes about how I do things in my classroom and GUIDED MATH will *hopefully* bring about some great changes. 

I enjoy reading Chapter 1 today in the sunshine, trying to improve my tan. I get to teach the first grade again this next year which brings me great comfort since for so many years, I did something different, EVERY YEAR! I always felt I was starting over and never getting the opportunity to really hone my craft. This year 2014-2015 will be very exciting because I get to reflect on what worked and what didn't work. Truly, doing this book study has come at the perfect time. Chapter 1 gives an outline and briefly describes all the components of GUIDED MATH and the subsequent chapters are on how to implement all the different components.

Both of these questions are interwoven for me so I have decided to answer them as one! Math is year has been an area of great stress for myself and fellow teaching partners. My state (IDAHO) has adopted the common core state standards and we were kind of left to "wander the wilderness" this past year in implementing the new standards.  We were using our adopted curriculum but also supplementing with different activities from all different places. I'm very good at my direct teacher instruction and providing my students with more than just "busy work" however there are many things I would like to work on and change...hence why I'm reading this book. One thing that I have always been told is that I'm very good at trying new things and doing what's best for year will be the big test!

I hope you'll read along with me and learn something new too! Plus there will be freebies and giveaways all summer.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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