Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Liebster Award!

Wow this is so exciting Cassie from Mrs. Thomas’s Class nominated me for this cool award on Monday but it’s been quite the week so I’m finally getting to post about it!
Here are the rules-
1. Link back to the blog that nominated me
2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3. Answer the questions posted for me by my nominator
4. Share 11 random facts about myself
5. Contact my nominees and let them know that I nominated them 

Here are the questions from Cassie. :) 

1. What has been the most rewarding moment this year?
I have so many moments from this year and I have some what of a difficult class so I really do celebrate each and every little “triumph” that we have each day! One of the best moments and probably my proudest was when one of most challenging students wrote about me for St. Patrick’s Day project. We did this cute little freebie “Who is worth more than gold to you?’’ from Lindsay at The Teacher Wife and you can get it here.  The kids had to write about someone/something that was worth more than gold to them and he picked me. This kiddo struggles with writing and believe it or not he has improved greatly! I almost cried when I read it...
(The person who is worth more than gold to me is Miss Smatlan because she teaches me.)  

2. What influenced you to start blogging/social networking?
I first blog I ever cam across was Sarah Cooley’s blog First Grader last! And I was blown away and when I started blogging (about a year and a half ago) and making products for teachers pay teachers I was just overwhelmed by all the beautiful and wonderful stuff people were making and I thought I could do it too...Somedays it’s tough and I don’t blog a lot or get to make new products all the time but sometimes the creative bug bites me and something fabulous happens. I have found some amazing ideas and different ways of doing things by connecting with others and learning from their blogs. As a relatively new teacher (only my 2nd year) it’s just great to get insight to what others are doing in their classrooms.
3. Which is your favorite, blogging, facebook, or instagram?
I like facebook the most I love blogging too but facebook is so much faster. I’m on instagram but I’m terrible about taking pictures at school!
4. What's your favorite food?
Food and me are definitely friends my favorite is pizza I could eat it every day! (not that I should though!)
5. When you're out shopping, what's your guilty pleasure?
Hmm...guilty pleasure well I always buy make-up, eye shadow mainly, and hair products oh lordly the hair products I have! I bought 4 alone yesterday!
6. Any obsession with TV shows?
I HEART TV... seriously...I think all those people who don’t have TV are awesome but I just can’t do it! I do what a fair amount of TV, definitely need it for my down time in the evening. My current TV obsessions are Resurrection, Scandal (although it just ended L), The Blacklist and THE FOLLOWING!!! OMG I love that show, it’s a bit crazy that’s for sure. I actually seem to listen to TV more than watch it cause I seem to be always working on some project for school. I also pretty much watch Bravo non-stop...

7.Do you have any rules about technology at home? 
I am a single girl with no kids so I don’t have any rules but I for see in the future I will. I’m not a fan of video games.
8. What's your favorite lesson to teach?
Everything is new this year and some lessons have been more fun than others but I really enjoy anything with science and the kids seem to like it soo much too!
9. Thematic Units or Random lessons? 
Thematic units are great and I plan to do more things in depth next year, this year is just getting to know the curriculum and the topics that we teach. I do like the random lessons though that literally come out of nowhere!
10. What's the worst holiday to celebrate at school?
I have a love/hate relationship with holidays at school...The day always starts out great but by the end it seems almost impossible to feel THAT tired! I love holidays but maybe I need a different plan of attack on those days? IDK...
11. What is your favorite book to read to your kiddos?
I love read aloud time, little Junie B. is my favorite and I read to my kiddos after lunch. I also love anything Dr. Seuss, Little Critter and Splat the Cat.

Last but not least: 11 random facts about myself. 

1. I am training for my 3rd half marathon that will take place on Memorial Day weekend.
2. I will have 30 candles on my birthday cake in July.
3. I live in the town I grew up in, a gorgeous place in Northern Idaho.
4. This is my second year of teaching.
5. It took me 5 YEARS to get a teaching job!
7. I have one of the sweetest cats on planet Earth, her name is George.
(she is saying "why are you taking my picture again?")

8. I workout 5-6 days a week, I find it the best way to relieve stress, right now I do CrossFit 2 to 3 times a week and run 3 days a week. I do zumba or other classes too.
9. I love to buy things at thrift stores and transform them (my summer fun).
10. I have had only 1 job that wasn’t based around kids, I should’ve known I would be a teacher!
11. I am one of SEVEN 1st grade classes this year!

And drum roll nominees are...

OCD in First

A Teacher Mom

Teaching in the Primary Grades

Triple the love in Grade 1

And now your questions girls!
1.What are you going to do during your summer break?
2.What’s your silliest school story?
3.How long have you been teaching?
4.Where do you find inspiration?
5.What are your hobbies outside of school and blogging?
6.Who or what influenced you to be a teacher?
7.What was your favorite year in school?
8.What would you be doing if you weren’t a teacher?
9.Tell us about your family. (I know not a question...)
10.What dessert do you love?
11.How do you relieve stress?

This is so fun! Can’t wait to learn about you all! Make sure to follow my nominator and all of my nominees!

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