Friday, September 27, 2013

Our amazing week! {Five for Friday}

Wow! what a week we had, I could go to bed right now, if I wasn't blogging ;)

So I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to share just how great the week turned out to be!

We started Read to Someone on Monday and the kids were totally awesome and on task, almost as long as our Read to Self stamina, currently at about 8 minutes!

All week we learned about apples, we tasted apples, made a graph, learned about Johnny Appleseed and then we made applesauce to celebrate his birthday! We wrote the recipe to take home, apparently it was quite good cause some of my students told me they get to make it this weekend. It's super delicious, I'm gonna make some for home myself!

Here are some of the things we did...
 Writing our recipe

Coloring a Johnny Appleseed book

 My newest unit, in an apple theme, 5 math activities!

A local car dealership supplies every 1st grader in our area a "reading buddy" a stuffed lab puppy that stays at school and the students read to them everyday. It's just about the cutest thing you've ever seen! Yesterday I told the kids there would be a surprise after lunch and were they ever excited. Here's some pictures of their first read together!

and lastly...
I am just plain thankful! For everything in my life right now, and I'm just happy :)

I hope I can send a little happy your way!

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